Products Description


Product name




Each tablet contains : Atorvastatin  10mg, 20mg, 40mg




LITOR (Atorvastatin) is indicated as an adjunct to diet (see tables below) for reduction of elevated total cholesterol (total-c), LDL cholesterol (LDL-c), apoliprotein B and triglycerides in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia including familial hypercholesterolemia (Heterozygous variant) or combined (mixed) hyperlipidemia corresponding to type II a and II b of the Fredrickson classification.


Table(1) Classification of LDL, Total, and HDL Cholesterol  (mg/dL)

LDL cholesterol  

< 100


100 – 129

Near optimal/above optimal

130 – 159

Borderline high

160 – 189


≥ 190

Very high

Total Cholesterol





Borderline high



HDL Cholesterol







- LITOR (Atorvastatin) also indicated to reduce total-c and LDL-c in patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia as an adjunct to other lipid lowering treatment e.g. LDL apheresis.


Table (2): LDL Cholesterol Goals and Cutpoints for the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) and Drug Therapy in Different Risk Categories.
Risk Category LDL Goal

LDL Level at Which to Initiate Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)


LDL Level

at Which to

Consider Drug



CHD1 or CHD Risk


(10-year risk >20%)

< 100 mg/dL

≥ 100 mg/dL

≥ 130 mg/dL

(100-129 mg/dL

drug optional)

2+ Risk Factors *

(10-year risk ≤20%)

<130 mg/dL

≥ 130 mg/dL

 10-year risk <10-20%:

≥130 mg/dL

10-year risk <10%:

≥160 mg/dL


0-1 Risk Factor


<160 mg/dL


≥ 160 mg/dL

≥190 mg/dL

(160-189 mg/dL

LDL-lowering drug



1 CHD: Coronary heart disease

*  Major risk factors (exclusive of LDL cholesterol) that modify LDL goals :

-Diabetes mellitus.

-Cigarette smoking

-Hypertension (BP ≥140/90 mmHg or on antihypertensive medication)

-Family history of premature CHD (CHD in male first degree relative >55 years; CHD in female first degree relative >65 years)

- Age (men ≥45 years; women ≥55 years)



Dosage & Administration


The patient should be placed on a standard diet before and during receiving LITOR. The usual starting dose is 10mg once a day. Dose should be individualized according to patient response and goal therapy (see tables). Adjustment of dosage should be made at interval of 4 weeks. The maximum dose is 80 mg once a day, dose may be given at any time of day with or without food.




LITOR 10 mg pack of 3 blisters X 10 tablets.

LITOR 20 mg pack of 3 blisters X 10 tablets.

LITOR 40 mg pack of 3 blisters X 10 tablets.

Hospital packs of different sizes.



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